Saturday, August 1, 2020

Day 129

Oh, Dear God..... Day 129 and we are still living with social distancing, masks, business shutdowns, rioting, loss of jobs, political sparring.....but that's okay.  We're here and on the other side of the dirt.

Lots of thoughts today that run the gamut from A to Z.

I am going to get the somber stuff out of the way so I can close with something humorous.  And we all need to chuckle now and then, don't we? 

#1......Many people I have known throughout my life, some closer than others, have passed away during these past 3 months.  More have died from chronic illnesses, heart attacks and accidents than have passed away from the COVID-19 virus. But other than the numbers of the COVID deaths being reported for statistical counts, the nation isn't aware of these folks no longer being with us.

I'm wondering if the intentions to honor these loved ones by hosting a Celebration of Life event will ever take place. At what point, if ever, does the moment pass where the need to be surrounded by friends and family for comfort passes?

And if they do take place, when we're able to get out and mingle with others....will we be doing much of anything besides wearing black and repeating the same words of sympathy to friends and family all experiencing the horrific loss of a loved one?  Seeing the same mourners doing and saying the same things?  Not a pleasant future ahead for those of us touched by the losses.

Over and done with...on to more pleasant thoughts.

#2......I've noticed I have gotten lazy with my choice of words when I'm writing. If I can't spell the word correctly, then I substitute a simpler word that I can spell.  Is this normal?  Or a sign of..........other things?

#3......Things are not always what they appear to be.

Case in this is not a thought for those who are easily offended by descriptions of situations that could be of the "50 shades of Gray" type. 

Stop reading right now if you are.

Here goes....

My husband and I stood out in the heat for many hours yesterday while waiting for President Trump's arrival.  Being of a certain age, upon learning of the location, my first thought was about the bathroom facilities.

Upon arrival, I saw there were limited numbers of port-a-potties. So, I decided to pace myself with the water intake.  Before we were to be moved to another location, I thought I'd risk it and go into one of them. Wouldn't you know, the one I picked was not on level ground and my standing in one particular spot caused it to tip suddenly which caused me to panic but I quickly shifted my weigh and I righted it.  Safe to assume I was not going into one of those again.  Therefore, I drank nothing else.

Flash forward 2 hours later  to the tarmac.  Hot concrete, no breeze, no shade, high temperature and blazing sun..... and me not drinking any water and rapidly becoming dehydrated. And on the verge of passing out.

Add lots of people with phone cameras.

Now, picture me bent over at the waist, leaning on the metal row divider, with my husband  standing really tight against my body as he's pressing me firmly against the divider to keep my legs from folding and to prevent my falling to the concrete.  

 Add to this, visualize the motions I was making to keep my balance and his coordinated movements matched to mine to keep me on my feet.

If you should ever see any online photos or videos of me trying to stay upright at this event, please know it's not what you think.

Enough said.