Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Day 106

Lord have mercy!

Numbers of infected people keep going up, but thank goodness the number of deaths are not.

Looks like we're going to be expected to wear masks for the time being and only God and the Government knows how much  longer.

Speaking of masks...I hate wearing one; but I do.

The first one I wore had 2 ties that ran behind the head. And having to tie a knot and bow meant I usually ended up getting my hair caught each time I put it on and off.

Then I graduated to the ones that had 2 stretchy bands that went around the back of my head.  Those were easier to put on, but it took strategy not to have the back of my hair looking like a rooster in heat. I was thinking my next hair cut and style would be chosen by how it would work with the face mask.

So, I made an appointment to get a suitable, mask friendly haircut.

Then, remember I mentioned my husband accidentally stepped on my big toe?  I lost half the nail as a result. I wear open toe sandals during the summer and it looked funny to have a skinny strip of red nail polish on a toe that should have a large nail.

I went to CVS and bought fake toe nails to make the broken big toe nail match the other..  I followed the instructions, glued it on, painted it red and was very, very pleased with the result.

Now, fast forward to my haircut appointment, talking to another client who is sitting over 6 feet away from me. Remember we are in full view of each other.

The back of my ankle started to itch, really bad.  I didn't want to bend over and scratch it because I was in the middle of a haircut.

Just something you might want to think about.  If you're wearing a fake, glued on toe nail (in this case, on the left foot) and the back of your right ankle starts to itch, DON'T  try to scratch it with the big toe on your left foot if it's a glued on nail.

 Especially if you're in a situation where others have a clear view of your toes.. 

Do you understand why I'm saying this?

God bless this woman for just glancing at the now halfway unglued, hanging by a thread, toe nail and continuing the conversation as though this was a normal occurrence.

I'm sure she had a story to tell when she got home.

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