Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 8

This time alone is a time for learning about oneself.

I've learned I would never do well in solitary confinement.

 I have found that  I need contact with people and conversations AND laughter to keep me sane.

My husband says the laughter and need for contact  have gotten out of hand, though, and he's not happy about it.

It all started when I started hanging out on the  driveway  waiting for the garbage men and the mail person  and waving to them. I was just being nice.

He said he thought it was strange, but okay...I was being friendly.

He didn't think it was okay when I started running towards them, laughing and jumping up and down and waving and shouting to them.

I think  that's when they stopped picking up the garbage and delivering the mail, but I can't be sure.


Come to think of it, our neighbors have been avoiding me, too.