Thursday, June 4, 2020

Day 72

My, how things have changed.

It's going to be a long time before I look at a group of "kids" riding on skateboards and not get nervous.

I used to like seeing men wearing Hawaiian shirts.  Now, I'm suspicious that they are part of an anarchist  group.

Seeing trucks carrying loads of bricks makes me want to follow them to see where the bricks are being unloaded.

I used to think the Police would protect us and now we have to protect them.

Hearing Clergy  say that our President is not welcome in their churches makes me wonder if they'd say the same thing to Mary Magdalene.  She wasn't turned away, was she?  Are they trying to change the teachings of Christ?

When items on the grocery shelves are running low, I find myself checking out peoples' carts to see if they are "overbuying". It's getting harder not to make a comment about it. And then I get tempted to do the same just "in case".

Reality is now imitating fiction.  Remember the movies where gangs ran rampant through cities, attacking and destroying everything in sight? Well, it appears somebody read those scripts and they are repeating the scenes in real life.  Once again, it's all being played out in front of the cameras. I hope the good guys win in this "movie".

I'm wondering which is worse,  staying home and worrying about catching the Virus?  Or going out and taking a chance that you will catch the Virus?

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