Friday, June 12, 2020

Day 80

You know those silly tests that Facebook offers where you end up finding out what animal you would be if you were not human?

I've always prided myself on finding out that I would be a sleek, sinewy cat of prey, with luminous eyes and muscles rippling with power and strength.

But that's not real life, is it?

A couple of weeks ago, I was out with a friend and a picture of me was taken that was later posted on Facebook. I saw it and thought what an unflattering angle the picture was taken from and that shirt makes me look so big.  I reminded myself never to wear the shirt again and to always sit up straight.   Lessons learned, right?

Well, last night I sat on the edge of my bed, facing the mirror on the dresser on the wall opposite the bed.  And I didn't see a sinewy cat of prey at all!

I saw a frog sitting there...with a small head, limp arms, a full, rounded belly and shapeless legs.  I just needed to be green to complete the picture.

Lesson learned....remove all reflective surfaces  from the home  and NEVER wear green.

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