Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Day 92

I keep learning what "not to do" things.  And to keep you from learning the same lessons, I feel I should share them with you.

Now, this is a pretty specific product so it may not be something you're interested in, but you never know.

You may recall that several weeks ago I told the story about my wearing thigh high compression stockings that often slid down my legs and dragged on the floor from under the trouser legs.  It was so embarrassing.  And they'd slide down in spite of my reaching down every few minutes to pull them up.

Picture yourself pushing a shopping cart down an aisle at the grocery store and the woman in front of you keeps reaching for her thighs, tries to grab "something", pulls it up  and then rubs her thighs all around from front to back.

I guarantee that at this point you're not concerned about whether she has the covid virus or not, you're thinking she has a horrible skin condition going on under her slacks  and she's  scratching madly.  And then you watch her touch items on the very shelf you're going to reach for.

I was that woman, but I was just pulling up my stockings before they dragged on the floor.  I didn't want to be that woman anymore.

Fast forward....

I found a medical adhesive that you roll on your thigh and press the stocking on to it so the stocking adheres to it and doesn't slide down.

I bought it and it worked....very, very, very well. I now have an antiseptic cream on my thighs as the raw skin fills in.

But this isn't the worst part.....

I'm letting my hair grow out so I can tuck it behind my ears. I also have one ear that sticks out a little bit and the hair makes it stick out further.

I know what you're thinking...and you're right.

Before I saw how tight the adhesive would be on my thighs, I added some to the back of my ear and pressed until it dried.  It really pinned my ear back.  In fact it's flat against my head and really doesn't match the other ear.

It's going to be awhile before I can again wear a protective mask that wraps around my ears. 

And there is no way to tuck any hair behind that ear.

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