Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Day 73

I'm back. Not that I've gone anywhere to speak of, so I've been left alone with my thoughts.

I took for granted so many things that we've lost in our country, in our cities, in our neighborhoods.

I took for granted that our country was insulated and safe from attacks coming from an inner core of power hungry career politicians looking to protect their forever source of income.

I took for granted that what I saw on TV and read in the papers was an unbiased reporting of events, not a biased opinion.

I took for granted that Governors would protect their states from spread of disease without imposing severe contact rules that would destroy far more people than the disease itself.

I took for granted that Governors and Mayors would help police officers uphold the law by giving them the support they need.  I assumed they'd be allowed to police and not just stand by while innocent shop owners watch their dreams, savings and futures go up in flames.

I took for granted that we had come to a point that color really didn't matter.

I took for granted that Justice was equal for each of us.

I took for granted that children were being raised to follow the rules of society. I assumed parents were teaching them the difference between right and wrong.

I assumed that common sense was still alive and well in this nation until I heard DeBlasio say that he was pleased the riots in New York were relatively peaceful. Really?  The pictures of the destruction show otherwise.

And then I heard Chris Cuomo say that "protesters" (aka rioters) are not expected to obey the law. Really?  Look at the videos of the aftermath of that opinion.

First the virus, now the riots. Storeowners suffered terribly from the first issue and now they're being killed by what's going on now. Can we save those that are remaining?

I cherish so many things now that I once took for granted.

  I want to put my arms around someone as a gesture of support. I want to walk down the street and feel the sun in my face and the wind in my hair.  I want to go to a store and be able to browse and touch and feel the items.  I want to go out to dinner with friends and not be limited to the number of people who can join me. 

I want us to have our lives back, but sadly it's going to be a long time coming...if ever.

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