Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 46

It's been a long time since friends/family have been together. We've pretty much been left to our own devices to pass the time away.

Some of us have begun new hobbies.  Some have started reading more. Then there is the obsession with organizing.  And what about cleaning? You either fall into the camp of having everything dusted, mopped and vacuumed or into the camp that feels since no one is coming over, dust doesn't count.

I won't tell you which group I belong to, but just know if you don't call ahead before you come over, you're not stepping into my home.

Some people enjoy wine and some just enjoy food. Too much of either and you see the results and those results are not always flattering.

The beaches are opening up and that means bathing suit weather.  Catalogs for bathing suits are filling my mailbox. Knowing customers won't be able to go into stores to try on before buying, these catalogs are being helpful in guiding customers with their purchases.

There are bathing suits to lift and shape the chest area.  Some are designed to disguise a  thick waist.  Others to conceal a full belly. And then there are those to cover heavy thighs.

Sadly, as a result of this isolation period, I would now have to buy 4 different suits and layer them before I venture on to the beach.  That's not really practical.

Being that I'm an innovative person, I have now started my own business to meet the needs of other women like myself.

My suits come in 3 sizes, twin, full and queen. Twin comes with 6 large safety pins; Full comes with 10 large safety pins; Queen comes with 14 safety pins.

At this time, my suits are only available in white. Online orders only.... with free shipping.

Simple instructions come with your purchase.

Here is a picture of one of my basic styles, but you can easily design your own.

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