I feel like a new person this morning. Finally, the
person looking back at me in the mirror is "Me" again.
Yesterday I had the chance to go to my hairdresser for
color and to Suzanne for a cut n' style. Omg, Giselle
and Suzanne worked wonders on my hair.
I walked in with my wig covering up my pathetic looking hair and walked out with
a luxurious mane of hair.
It took 3 1/2 hours for the magic to work, but what this
did for my sense of well-being is unbelievable.
The sun is brighter today. The smell of gardenias is filling the
air. The birds are singing louder. I'm smiling bigger. And, yes, I feel pretty.
Oh, and the tape on my mask worked just perfectly. I had other women comment on how efficient
that was and said they'd use tape in the future as well. (Credit for the mask goes to my dear friend, Vivian Fernandez.)
In case you're interested, these are the steps of
progression from before to after.

way to go cousin