Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 16

We have at least 30 days of quarantine left.  My suggestion to help the days pass more quickly is not to do all the fun things right away.

Pace yourselves.  Plan on saving some activities you've planned for or creating some that will relieve tension and build up eye/hand coordination skills for the weeks ahead.  Who needs a gym?

If you are thinking to yourselves that you're not the creative type, just relax.  Some of these activities will develop on their own.

For example, give your neighbors something to break up the hum drum of their days with these suggestions.

Today is the beginning of a new delivery schedule for our local newspaper.  For the time being we will only have delivery on Sundays and Wednesdays.  For the heck of it, why not wrap up an  old edition, sneak out before light of day and leave it at the end of your  driveway on non-delivery days?  And then don't go out to get it until about  9:00  to assure neighbors have seen it.  That will have them wondering why you're special.

Tape record an audience  hysterically  laughing  at some TV show joke.  Play it loudly around 7:00 in the evening from your backyard patio.  Make your neighbors  wonder how you can be having such a good time during this quarantine period while they are inside counting the pores on their noses.

Get some yellow ribbon and tie it around the oak tree in your front yard...lots of it.  And add a big sign saying, "20 years isn't so long.  Welcome home; we forgive you".  That should keep them up nights wondering.....  "Who? "  "What for?"

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