Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 17

I wish I had something  witty and amusing to share with you today, but I don't.  Instead, I feel a bit introspective this morning.

I  must admit that what we're dealing with is starting to get to me, but I have Faith that God will guide us through this.

I can say that in spite of my teasing about my husband and his quirks, there isn't anyone I'd rather be quarantined with.

I will say I am gratified  to  know that there are amazingly unselfish people in this community who are putting others first, and  at great sacrifice to themselves and their families.  I don't know how they do it.  God bless them.

During these days,  hearing a human voice and having a phone conversation with a friend or family can be a source of comfort. Call a friend or a family member just to chat.  Yours may be the only live voice that person will hear that day.  A text doesn't count.

We can't be with our parents, children or grand children right now so how about writing them a note letting them know how much you care and how special they are to you?  Getting mail is always a nice experience.  Heck, write a friend and tell them how much they mean to you.

Restaurants are taking a real blow to the gut these days. And so are small  businesses.  If you can, buy a gift certificate to a local spot.  It can make the difference between that place opening up again....or not.

Store employees are under a great deal of pressure...long lines, merchandise shortages .  Be nice; be kind; be patient.  They are human and have feelings.  You'd better believe they're worried about who you are and if you're carrying the virus.  And yet, they're at work, doing their job.

If you have anything extra you can spare; share it with someone who could use it.

And though we'll be wearing masks when we go out for a necessary errand and our mouths will be covered and won't show...smile with your eyes.

A smile can be a million dollar gift to someone who has only black clouds in his life.

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