Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 24

So, Hillsborough County couldn't/wouldn't enforce the 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM curfew.

In spite of the fact that 90% of the county population was abiding by these time constraints, instead of confronting these groups of people who were in violation of  the curfew hours, The Powers That Be just reduced our outside times even further.

Just thinking about the detailed research that must have gone into this decision......

Obviously, lab studies must have shown that the coronavirus must become overly active during the "witching" hour of 9:00-10:00.  

Seems we would have become Cinderella at 9:00 and we've been saved from that fate!  Thank God for our saviors.

Who knew?

On the plus side of this, there is high demand for paid snitches who will report curfew violators.  There is money to be made.....on both sides.

You can make some extra money by getting the reward for snitching, BUT you can also agree not to make the phone call, for a small price.  I imagine the $$ will be better in some zip codes and those areas will be considered prime.

If some snitch groups stake these areas out and others come on to their turf, will we be seeing Tampa Turf Wars again?

Tampa Natives know what I'm talking about.

Forget Carol Baskin and Joe Exotic.....We could have the newest series on Netflix.

And all over a curfew.

To paraphrase Paladin....."Have phone; will snitch".

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