Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 30

Okay, the days are counting down until we can finally come out of our homes and greet each other in person.

Understand, that we will all be expected to tell lies when that happens.  And you're going to do this if you want a smooth transition into the world you were out of touch with for several weeks.

Oh, don't pretend you never lie.  Everybody does and when you lie to spare someone's feelings you JUST DO IT and know it was for a good cause.

Only now, you're going to have to be really convincing so people believe you're telling the truth.

So,  practice looking sincere and honest when you lie.

And practice looking like you believe the lies when they are directed to you.

What are those lies?

  •        OMG, you look great!·
  •       You have not changed a bit!

  •        Goodness, you don't look like you've even gained an ounce.

  •        You were meant to have grey hair.  The color looks great on you.

  •       What yelling?  We never heard a thing.

  •        I never saw the police at your house.  Honest.

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