Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 19

Ramblings about this and that…………..

People in the neighborhood who  usually walk or jog looking straight ahead in their own world seem to be taking  looks at the homes now, maybe looking for someone to make eye contact with?

Lots of home projects going on in the neighborhood…windows being washed, homes being painted.

Driving around the empty shopping malls with storefronts boarded up is really depressing.

It’s sad when you wish your car was low on gas just so you can  fill-up and  have something to go out and do.

The reality is hitting me that when stores open up again for business, if people don’t have money to spend on those  products then it’s like that business is shut down all over again.

I wish I smoked and drank.  Those vices would be real comforting right about now.

Sadly, my vice is finding comfort in food.  But, I have found there is a plus side to that.    Miraculously, my face is fuller and all those lines I complained about are gone.

Hamlet had it wrong.  The question wasn’t, “To be or not to be”.  It should have been….
“Would it be better to attempt to color my hair myself or to rely on the person whose haircut I badly botched?”  And therein lies the rub.

If anyone wants to create a situation all across this nation, where people run into the streets, rioting, looting and attacking each other, just cut off Internet access and turn off Netflix and Amazon Prime and cell phone service.   Forget drugs, those are  the real addictions in this country.

I’m grateful Carol Baskin doesn’t live in my neighborhood.

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