Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 25

Here I am, isolated and desperate...and growing more desperate for social contact  by the day.  Actually, I'm not really, not truly, isolated because I'm  fortunate to have my husband in the house with me.

But I, I NEED, to be around "my kind".

Men reading this won't understand what I mean.  Women reading this will get it.

Men and women may be of the same species, but we are just so different as to how we view the world. 

Give a man a good meal, something to drink and a TV show to watch and he's complete.

Give a woman the same thing and she still needs to have somebody to talk to about the meal, the drink and the show she's watching in order to be complete.

Why is it a man cannot follow a simple conversation with his wife as she jumps from subject to subject and then back again? And yet a girlfriend would know that you were referencing something you mentioned a week ago in another conversation and be able to make the connection in a second without question.  Am I right?

Men are so detail oriented.  For example, when reading a map and determining distance, why is it so important to add up the tiny numbers along the red lines to see how far away a place is?  You won't believe how upset my husband got with me when he asked me how far we were from a particular exit on the Interstate and I put my fingers on the map, brought my hand up  and then held my thumb and pointer finger  1/8" apart and showed him "This far".  You'd have thought it was my fault we missed the exit the way he carried on.

Anyway....back to missing being with "my kind".  Would it be crazy to suggest a bunch of us bring a lunch and meet in the parking lot of a closed Mall, park in a circle, 6 feet apart, open the tail gates or doors and just have some girl time together?  We wouldn't touch but we could have visual contact and maybe share a laugh or two.

Who else is as crazy as I am to even think this might work?