Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 37

How To.......Not!

This is an intriguing way to start a conversation, right?  And in order to follow what I'm saying,  you're going to have to rely on the picture you paint in your mind.

I don't mind trying new self-improvement techniques.  Sometimes they work.  Sometimes they don't.  Remember my  duct tape, braless attempt?

You would think that would be a lesson to avoid anything to do with tape, wouldn't you?

Oh, no.  I had to give it one more shot.

I stumbled upon an article about using BLENDERM tape as a temporary alternative to a facelift.  It's medical tape, for goodness sake. How could anything go wrong with using this?

Basically, you just need 2 squares of tape and one heavy duty rubber band that you cut in half.  Once you cut the rubber band, measure the  length that equals the distance from just in front of one ear to the other.  Then subtract an inch or so in order to give the desired amount of lift you desire. The shorter the rubber band, the greater the lift.

Okay, follow me now.

Cut a square of tape and cover one end of the rubber band with it. Press to make sure they  adhere together securely.  Then tape that square in front of one ear, pull the rubber band around the back of your head and bring it around to the other side of your head where you'll repeat the same thing with the other square of tape.

The results are magical.

Now, understand that I didn't exactly follow the directions, but the woman in the video looked 15 years younger.

  I was so impressed.

I didn't have a rubber band, but I did have a large roll of that tape, so I decided to improvise.
Instead of cutting squares of tape, I cut one long length to wrap all around my head instead. It's medical tape, right?

I pulled up a section of my hair on the back of my head so I could hide the tape.  I wrapped the tape all around my head and secured it in front of my ears.  I stepped back from the mirror to get a better look  and the person looking back at me was ME , but many years younger. I was thrilled.

 I fluffed my hair around to disguise the tape. It was a little uncomfortable, but
" No pain; no gain", right?

After a couple of hours, I decided to remove the tape and just look like the real me. I figured this would be a fun thing to do for a special occasion.

Well.......another one of those "Do you see where this is heading moments".

Removing this tape from the skin in front of my ears was a piece of cake. Pulling it off from my head was a different story. This tape can substitute for a depilatory tape and it worked perfectly.

My hair grows fast and I have wigs.  All is well.

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